My Blogging Journey - What I've Done and What I'm going to do | Blog Talk

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I started my blogging journey almost 7 years ago with a simple Tumblr blog, which I still use from time to time. Over time it evolved from a "really random crap" blog, to a Harry Potter blog, to a Gossip Girl/Girly blog and then to what it is now - a fashion/aesthetic blog.

In 2013 after I had watched various bloggers/vloggers like Zoella, Louise Pentland and a bunch of other influencers from the UK, I decided I wanted to try that out for myself. That is how my first blog was born on May 6. 2013. I used to blog about Nail Polishes, Beauty products and Fashion Inspiration. I was really into Independent Fashion Bloggers and I found a lot of useful for the time tips. I was still in high school back then and somehow, I managed to post Monday-Friday at 7 am UK time. Crazy!!

Sometime during 2014, I decided that maybe I should write posts in Bulgarian as well, since it's my mother tongue and it would allow me to reach a wider audience, but I really did not want to make my blog a bilingual one because it didn't fit my then aesthetic so I made a "side" blog which mirrored my main one but was in Bulgarian.

For a few months I was really happy with my decision, but when I started uni it really hit me how difficult it would be to maintain two "mirror" blogs and the months that I had been doing it took their toll on me. So, I made my "side blog" my main one, and closed the first one. Then for various reasons, I was really unhappy with it and I've opened and closed it multiple times but nothing about it made me happy. The truth is, my blogging focus was off and it wasn't the blog's fault. I just wasn't happy with blogging about makeup and it was an expensive hobby I couldn't really afford to maintain.

That's why I split my blogs again into this one and beaullies. I was supposed to write here about lifestyle and books and leave beaullies for the beauty/fashion world. Well, no. As I just mentioned, even budget beauty can get a bit too expensive for my student budget. No shame in that.

As I mentioned in my previous post my aim is to be happy with what I create/write about so that's really what my blog aim is all about. I miss having the creative passion I had when I was growing up and I am sure I can rekindle that fire. As for Youtube, which I had for 2 months in the summer last year, I am not really certain what I will do. I've removed all my makeup videos from the platform and I really miss filming/editing and the whole process and I might start doing it again where I talk about random topics that interest me or just doing really chill makeup videos but more Get Ready With Me style rather than tutorials. I don't know.

My next semester of uni will be pretty hectic so I doubt I will have time for YouTube but if you want to see me talk about something on there, or write about something on here, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Tweet, comment on here or on instagram or even email me!

If you're a blog reader, what sparked your interest? What do you enjoy reading?
And bloggers, what made you start?